
Santiago Pérez 
Associate Professor of Economics, ​UC Davis 
Research Associate, NBER
Research Affiliate, IZA
email: seperez@ucdavis.edu

Selected work in progress

[1] Colleges and Upward Mobility in the US over the Last Century (with Ran Abramitzky, Joe Price and Jenna Kowalski), funded by National Science Foundation and Russell Sage Foundation

Working papers

[2] Who Benefits from Meritocracy? (with Diana Moreira) NBER Working Paper  30113
featured in Fordham InstituteAl Roth’s blog
funding by NBER Economics of Mobility Fellowship

[1] Railroads and the Rural to Urban Transition: Evidence from 19th-Century Argentina ​


[9] Law-Abiding Immigrants: The Incarceration Gap Between Immigrants and the US-born, 1850-2020 (with Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan, Elisa Jácome and Juan David Torres) Accepted at American Economic Review: Insights
featured in Cato Research Briefs in Economic Policy, The Washington Post, The Washington Post (X2), The New York Times, USA Today, Associated Press

[8] Civil Service Exams and Organizational Performance: Evidence from the Pendleton Act (with Diana Moreira) NBER Working Paper 28665 Accepted at American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
featured in CATO Research Briefs in Economic Policy

[7] Southern (American) Hospitality: Italians in Argentina and the US during the Age of Mass MigrationEconomic Journal, 2021 
featured in VoxeuLa Nación, A Correction Podcast

[6] The Long-Term Spillover Effects of Changes in the Return to Schooling (with Ran Abramitzky and Victor Lavy), Journal of Public Economics, 2021

[5] Intergenerational Mobility of Immigrants in the US over Two Centuries (with Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan and Elisa Jácome), The American Economic Review,  2021
featured in New York TimesNew York Times (X2)AEA “Chart of the Week”Daily MailBloombergBloomberg Opinion, Forbes,,  CBSVox, Vox (X2)NBER Digest,  NPRWe are mitúInternational Business TimesThe Davis Enterprise, The California AggieNYT En Español,​ AEIdeasBrookings InstitutionEl UniversalSan Diego TribuneInfobaePsychology Today

[4] Automated Linking of Historical Data (with Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan, Katherine Eriksson and James Feigenbaum), Journal of Economic Literature, 2021
featured in Voxeu

[3] Intergenerational Occupational Mobility Across Three ContinentsThe Journal of Economic History, 2019

[2] Linking Individuals Across Historical Sources: A Fully Automated Approach (with Ran Abramitzky and Roy Mill), Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 2019

[1] The (South) American Dream: Mobility and Economic Outcomes of First- and Second-Generation Immigrants in 19th-Century Argentina, The Journal of Economic History, 2017 (lead article) 
Best Article by a Researcher under 35 (National Academy of Economic Sciences of Argentina

Book chapters

[1] The Age of Mass Migration in Argentina: Social Mobility, Effects on Growth, and Selection Patterns (with Federico Droller and Martin Fiszbein), to be published in Roots of Underdevelopment: A New Economic (and Political) History of Latin America and the Caribbean.” Edited Volume. Palgrave, Macmillan.